General Knowledge Test MCQs General Knowledge Test 1 Try your knowledge with our General Knowledge Quiz Test! 1 / 25 Solar system was discovered by? Galileo Copernicus Kepler Herschel 2 / 25 Who was the 1st President of Pakistan? Farooq Lighari Waseem Sajjad Iskandar Mirza Ghulam Ishaq Khan 3 / 25 Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is the famous Poet of _____ language. Punjabi Sindhi Urdu Pashto 4 / 25 NATO headquarters is located in? Bahrain Qatar Belgium France 5 / 25 SUPARCO was established in? September 16, 1961 October 16, 1961 September 6, 1961 September 16, 1951 6 / 25 Which country is the largest producer of tea? China Pakistan India Bangladesh 7 / 25 Which City is called City Of Saints? Multan Sargodha Jehlum Peshawar 8 / 25 The book Hayat E Javed written by? Allama Iqbal Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Faiz Ahmed 9 / 25 The capital of Gandhara was? Rawalpindi Peshawar Taxila New Delhi 10 / 25 When was Cripps Mission sent? May 1942 March 1945 March 1942 March 1943 11 / 25 Which country has the largest army? India United States China Germany 12 / 25 Simla Conference was held in which year ? 1946 1945 1947 1935 13 / 25 Who was the Pakistan Army Chief during the 1965 war? General Ayub Khan General Yahya Khan General Muhammad Mussa Khan General Zia Ul Haq 14 / 25 Largest Mosque of Pakistan is? Faisal Mosque Chadni Mosque Peshawar Shahi Mosque Lahore Grand Mosque Karachi 15 / 25 Pakistan bought Gwadar Port from which country? Qatar UAE Oman Iran 16 / 25 The height of K2 Mountain is? 8,661 m 8,611 m 8,211 m 8,551 m 17 / 25 1st President of All India Muslim League was? Agha Khan Nawab Waqar ul Mulk Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk Hakim Ajmal Khan 18 / 25 Taj Mahal is situated in? Agra Lucknow Ali Garh Rampur 19 / 25 The width of a circle is called? Radius Diameter Circumference Area 20 / 25 When did Turkey gain independence? 29 October 1923 29 September 1923 29 October 1933 19 October 1923 21 / 25 Deepest river in the world is? Yangtze Zambezi Congo Amazon 22 / 25 Largest animal in the world? Elephant Blue whale Lion Giraffe 23 / 25 Which country is called Land of Thousand Lakes? Iceland Netherland Finland Scotland 24 / 25 Who invented Facebook? Andrew Meccolum Dustin Moskovitz Mark Zukerberg Chris Hughes 25 / 25 Most populous city of Balochistan? Chaman Turbat Quetta Gawadar Your score isThe average score is 62% 0% Restart quiz General Knowledge Test 2 Try your knowledge with our General Knowledge Test. 1 / 25 Q. Kargil conflict took place in? 1998 1999 1997 1996 2 / 25 Q. The smallest ocean in the world is? Antarctic ocean Pacific ocean Indian ocean Arctic ocean 3 / 25 Q. Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was the son of? Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) Hazrat Nooh (AS) Hazrat Yaqub (AS) Hazrat Zakrya (AS) 4 / 25 Q. Which is the longest river in Asia? Yellow river Yangtze river Lina river Ob river 5 / 25 Q. The Capital city of Malta is? Rome Valetta Berlin Madrid 6 / 25 Q. Youm e Takbeer is celebrated on? May 27 May 18 May 28 March 28 7 / 25 Q. Hazrat Hamza (RA) was martyred in the battle of? Battle of Ahzab Battle of Uhud Battle of Tabuk Battle of Badr 8 / 25 Q. When did Pakistan join CENTO? 1935 1955 1945 1930 9 / 25 Q. How many sons did Prophet Ibrahim have? 3 4 2 1 10 / 25 Q. Who first translated Holy Quran in Urdu? Mirza Ghalib Shah Abdul Qadir Syed Ahmad Khan Shah Wali Ullah 11 / 25 Q. What is the 2nd most populated country? India China Indonesia United States 12 / 25 Q. All India Muslim league was formed in? December 30, 1906 December 20, 1906 November 28, 1906 December 30, 1905 13 / 25 Q. Chess game started from which country? India Nepal Srilanka America 14 / 25 Q. The Longest River of Pakistan is? Chenab Indus Jhelum Ravi 15 / 25 The Headquarter of IMF is located at? Geneva New York Washington D.C Brucels 16 / 25 In which year Pakistan won Champions Trophy? 2015 2017 2019 2013 17 / 25 Q. What is the national bird of Pakistan? Pigeon Sparrow Parrot Chukar Patridge 18 / 25 What is the national animal of Pakistan? Markhor Ibex Leopard Cow 19 / 25 Q. The national fruit of Pakistan is? Orange Mango Apple Banana 20 / 25 The National Flower of Pakistan is? Lilly Rose Jasmine Tulip 21 / 25 Q. Pamphlet Now or Never was written by? Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Choudhary Rahmat Ali Allama Iqbal Muhammad Ali Johar 22 / 25 First Khalifa of Islam? Hazrat Umar R.A Hazrat Usman Ghani R.A Hazrat Abu Bakr Sadique Hazrat Ali R.A 23 / 25 Minto Morley reforms date? 1911 1909 1907 1913 24 / 25 When did Queen Elizabeth visit Pakistan for the first time? 1961 1963 1965 1967 25 / 25 Theory of relativity was given by? Sir Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Archimedes Charles Darwin Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz General Knowledge Test 3 1 / 25 Battle of Khyber was fought against ? Jews Quresh Yameni tribes Muslim Kazab 2 / 25 Liaqat Nehru Pact was signed in ______. 1951 1950 1945 1947 3 / 25 Intelligence agency MOSSAD was established in which? 1947 1949 1945 1951 4 / 25 Book “Jinnah of Pakistan” is written by _____. Plato Stanley Wolpert Richard Nixon None of these 5 / 25 Sindh was separated from Bombay in________? 1935 1932 1936 1937 6 / 25 Uroos-ul-Quran is another name of? Surah Fateh Surah Rehman Surah Kahaf Surah Toba 7 / 25 OIC formed in which year? 1959 1969 1965 1967 8 / 25 Asadullah” was the Title (Laqab) of ____. Hazrat Umer R.A Hazrat Ali R.A Hazrat Usman R.A Hazrat Hamza R.A 9 / 25 How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956? 234 230 232 230 10 / 25 How many articles were there in 1962 constitution? 260 255 250 245 11 / 25 Noble Prize given in how many fields? 6 5 4 7 12 / 25 President of Pakistan is elected for how many years? 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 13 / 25 Dark continent in the world? Asia Europe Africa North America 14 / 25 Campbellpur is the old name of? Rawalpindi Attock Lahore Faisalabad 15 / 25 Montagu Chelmsfold reform date? 1918 1917 1919 1920 16 / 25 How many countries are in EU? 27 25 23 20 17 / 25 Theory of relativity was given by? Sir Isaac Newton Archemedes Albert Einstein Charles Dawin 18 / 25 The First Round table Conference Date? 1930 1931 1932 1933 19 / 25 Kiwi is associated with which country? Australia England New Zealand South Africa 20 / 25 The value of Sin 180 is? 1 -1 0 0.5 21 / 25 Havana is the capital of? Cuba Kuwait Yamen Maldive 22 / 25 Who is the author of the book “ daughter of the East”? Sharmila Tasleem Benazir Bhutto Chandrika Bhutani Tasleema Nasreen 23 / 25 Symbol of gold is? Au Pb Hg Cu 24 / 25 How many FIFA world cup won by Brazil? 3 times 2 times 6 times 5 times 25 / 25 Who is the current Speaker of National Assembly? Raja Pervez Ashraf Asad Qaiser Sardar Sadiq Ali Ayaz Your score isThe average score is 32% 0% Restart quiz Spread the love