PAF FMA Test Preparation | FMA Test Past Experience

In this article, I will share FMA Test experience of some candidates that will be helpful for you.

Experience No: 01

Brevity is the____ of wit. (Soul or Heart).
Teacher is _ the chair (AT, ON, OVER).
Composed antonym is (nervous, horrible, separate).
He get up early ________ the morning (on, in, at, over).

Photosynthesis se related.
Digestive system
Nervous system
Enzymes related thy ..
Guys Must prepared these questions..
Best of luck

Experience No: 02

Verbal and Non Verbal was very easy.
Non Verbal mostly odd man out and is to as.
No coding decoding questions, no age related, mostly related to maths

1 kwh is the unit of ___.
Primary colors are _____________.
Mechanical waves are ____. (a)transverse b) longitudinal c) transverse and longitudinal)
Balloons flies in air ,it’s reason is _________.  (less density)
Hydraulic press works on ____ principle.
If a cork is thrown in vibrating water then it will ___.
1 KB=____ . (a)1024GB b) 1024MB c) 1024 bytes)
physics mostly waves and mirror related.


The process of maintaining internal temperature to external environment is called _______. (thermoregulation)
Photosynthesis occurs in ___ cells. (a) green parts of plants b) leaves cell c) root cell etc.)
Photosynthesis occurs during ____ (a) day time b) day and night etc.)
Glycolysis occurs in ______.
_______ provides energy to cell/body.
ATP is a ______.
2 questions respiration related.
Pepsin helps in digestion of _______.

Mostly prepositions, part of speech and tenses.
No active voice passive voice,
No direct and indirect speech.

Experience No: 03

Here I want to share my FMA test experience, when I reached at the selection center at 9:00 there was a no. Of candidates almost about 600, after some time there was my turn to check the documents either they are complete or not. Finally, they send me IT room for test Alhamdulillah I successfully cleared my test.                                                                              1st test was intelligence, 2nd one English, 3rd one physics and then biology All tests were so easy I didn’t find any difficulty to solve them. After passed my test, they give me 1 slip to filled it and submitted with my original matric result card and roll no. Slip where they mentioned as pass they send almost 10 girls to medical room to receive medical forms,we filled them and submitted, next day was medical and interview at 30 dec. Alhamdulillah I cleared successfully both but there was a flat feet issue in my medical so they referred me to Paf hospital and after checkup the doctor fit to me after medical I cleared my interview.

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