Pakistan Navy PN Cadet Test Pattern & Syllabus 2024

Here we will share Pakistan Navy PN Cadet Test Pattern & Syllabus. We will also share some past questions of PN Cadet Test.

PN Cadet Test Pattern

The initial test consists of two types of tests:

  1. Intelligence Test
  2. Academic Test

Intelligence Test

  • Intelligence test includes two parts Verbal and Non Verbal Intelligence Test.
  • It includes total 75 questions.
  • The time limit is 30 minutes.
  • The test will be on the computer.
  • No negative marking.

Academic Test

  • Academic test includes following subjects:
  1. Physics
  2. Mathematics
  3. English
  4. General Knowledge
  • It includes total 50 questions.
  • The time limit is 25 minutes.
  • The test will be on the computer.
  • No negative marking.

PN Cadet Test Syllabus

Here we will discuss PN Cadet test Syllabus and some past questions related to test.

Verbal Intelligence Test

  • Number Series
  • Alphabet Series
  • Analogy
  • Odd Man
  • Out Direction
  • Days Sequence
  • Jumble Words
  • Coding/Decoding
  • Relationship
  • Percentage Questions

Non Verbal Intelligence Test

  • Analogy
  • Series
  • Least Like Others
  • Clockwise
  • Anticlockwise
  1.  0,  3,   7,  12,  18,   25,    ___,    ___.   (33 and 42)
  2.  Boot is Foot as Glove is to ____.    (Hand)
  3.  30% 0f 60 ?    ( 18)
  4. X is smaller than Y, but taller than Z. Who is the tallest?  (Y)
  5. If the letters of the word BOOK are arranged dictionary wise which two letters would be in the middle? (KO)
  6. Find the odd one:   Yellow, Table, Red, Green, Blue     (Table)

Past Questions

  1. On which river is the Warsak Dam built?  (Kabul River)
  2. The length of border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is? (2430 Km)
  3. The atomic energy commission of Pakistan was formed in? (1956)
  4. Largest desert of Pakistan is?  (Thar)
  5. Electric field inside a close sphere will be? (Zero)
  6. N.s is the unit of? (Impulse)
  7. 1 kwh is equal to ____  Joules.  (3.6 MJ)
  8. Curie is the unit of? (Radioactivity)
  9. Radioactive isotope of hydrogen is called? (Tritium)
  10. a+b = b+a, The given property is? (Commutative)
  11.  In which quadrant both x and y are negative? (Third quadrant)
  12. Books are a great source ____ happiness. (of)
  13. Sum of 3+3/3 =? (4)
  14. Land of thousand lakes is called? (Finland)
  15. Highest mountain of the world is in which country? (Nepal)

For Intelligence Test Lectures

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For PN Cadet Guide Book 

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Also Visit PMA Long Course Test Pattern & Syllabus

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