Physics Test

Try this test to prepare for the Physics Test.


Physics Test 1

1 / 25

Newton first law defines:

2 / 25

The acceleration of a projectile at its highest point is:

3 / 25

The range of projectile is maximum at an angle of?


4 / 25

At what angle horizontal range and height of the projectile are equal?

5 / 25

Rate of change of momentum is equal to?

6 / 25

The distance covered by a freely falling body in 2 seconds will be:

7 / 25

The magnitude of rectangular components of a vector are equal if its angle with x axis is:

8 / 25

When two vectors are antiparallel the angle between them is?

9 / 25

The cross product of two vectors will be maximum at an angle of?

10 / 25

Which of the following is a vector quantity?

11 / 25

The error produced due to faulty apparatus is called?

12 / 25

The rotational analogue of force is:

13 / 25

The solid angle subtended at the center of sphere is:


14 / 25

The computer chips are made from?

15 / 25

The SI unit of pressure is:

16 / 25

The number of supplementary units are?

17 / 25

Resultant of two forces 4N and 3N inclined at an angle of 90 degree:

18 / 25

The magnitude of a unit vector is?

19 / 25

0.0036 has significant figures:

20 / 25

Dimension of specific gravity is?

21 / 25

Dimension of power is:

22 / 25

Dimension of force is:

23 / 25

1 Mega is equal to:

24 / 25

The SI unit of power is?

25 / 25

Light year is the unit of:

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The average score is 92%



Physics Test 2

1 / 15

The rate of change of displacement is called:

2 / 15

The SI unit of displacement is:

3 / 15

The path of a projectile is called?

4 / 15

What is the unit of the coefficient of friction?

5 / 15

The property of liquids to resist their flow is called:

6 / 15

What is a force that resists motion called?

7 / 15

A rocket moves according to the law of conservation of?

8 / 15

The product of mass and velocity is called:

9 / 15

The SI unit of tension:

10 / 15

The force apply on a body through a string is called?

11 / 15

Dyne is the unit of?

12 / 15

Inertia of a body is measured in terms of:

13 / 15

The acceleration of body moving with uniform velocity is:

14 / 15

The dimension of velocity is;

15 / 15

The magnitude of velocity is called:

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The average score is 0%


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